Thinking about skipping the Meseta? Please, don’t.
Some people planning the Camino Francés sometimes ask if they should skip the “Meseta” and take a bus from Burgos to León because they heard it’s kind of a boring section, nothing interesting to see…

Please don’t do it. Unless you really have no time to walk, that would be an unfortunate decision. Here is why:
First of all, it’s part of the Camino… Second, it’s NOT boring or uninteresting (it’s only boring if you make it boring);
It’s BEAUTIFUL. Truly beautiful;
The section between Burgos and Hontanas is gorgeous (see images), you wouldn’t like to miss that;
After Hontanas you reach the ruins of the Monasterio de San Antón, one of the most remarkable landmarks on the Camino – you wouldn’t like to miss that (it might be closed for safety reasons);

After Castrojeriz, you reach a hill. Alto de Mostelares. On the top of the hill you will have 2 breathtaking views. Looking back from where you came and looking ahead to where you go -> the flat “infinite” Meseta. Seriously, you wouldn’t like to miss that;
At Carrion de Los Condes you have the “singing nuns Albergue”, one of the most bonding and touching experiences. You wouldn’t like to miss that;
Aftet Carrion, there is the famous “17km without anything” stretch. Well, most of time there is a food truck for an enjoyable rest, and the walk is really pleasant, perfect to either lose your mind in your thoughts or have a relaxed conversation with someone. You wouldn’t like to miss that;

Near Sahagun you reach the halfway mark of the Camino Francés. You wouldn’t like to miss that;
All in all, it’s a peaceful and easy 6-7 days walk.
When you do this section, you will ENJOY when the climbs and downhills start again, because you will miss the variation.
And it’s like life, right? Sometimes you only appreciate something when you miss it.
So, like in life, sometimes things are not perfect, but are an integral part of the journey.
And you wouldn’t like to miss that, right?
Note from the editor:
A massive thank you to ‘My First Camino’ for sharing your tips, advice and stories. There is lots more to read here: My First Camino
There are lots of route options on the Camino, some chose to skip the Meseta completely, while others walk this section only. Hopefully reading the thoughts of other pilgrims will help you plan your own journey.
– Abi Winch